The Best Film Photography Tools | Find in a Box
/I’ll make this short and sweet. Here are the top three things I recommend for EVERYONE in the film world and the top two for everyone in the photography world. Big statements I know, but I can back it up.
LEFT: Dimly lit church? no problem | HP5 +3
rIGHT: COLOR FILM STOCK AT a reception?! yep. portra 400 +2
Aka Film is Not Dead in a Box.
Basically everything you'd ever need and want to know about film straight from the film master himself (Jon Canlas).
I'm telling you, it's the best way to learn film photography since before sliced bread existed.
These videos and 8 Lessons (with over 400+ PDF pages) take you from Film 101 to 401 and give you insight to what you actually need to know instead of floundering on your own spending time and resources on the wrong things. In regards to film, this little slice of heaven is what’s changed our business the most and I will spend forever and ever recommending it.
Plussssss, purchase of this incredible workshop give you an all access pass to the best place on the internet -- the FIAB Facebook group where we continually learn from each other, ask questions, sell and buy gear, and have a ton of fun. Read: no question is stupid and there’s no meanies. Plus, Jon’s active in the group and you get to pick his brain continually which is worth every penny.
Have you ever seen anything so beautiful that automates sales for you? No? well now you have.
Whether you’re a film shooter or not, running a business is something we all have in common and need to be good at to sustain said business. This guide basically walks you through business basics that are straightforward and easy to implement.
One of the greatest assets of this guide though is shows you via video lessons how to set up Instaproofs - the greatest proofing and delivery gallery known to man. Seriously.
If you’re a photographer and not selling prints, you’re LITERALLY leaving money on the table. While Instaproofs does have a high learning curve, it’s a beast of a machine that will change your business and you don’t have to be scared of it because Jon walks you through it. Lastly, another takeaway from TBG is that your business should work for YOU -- it shouldn’t be a copy of whatever someone else is doing. And precisely how is that done, finances and all? With this guide.
Family session on Portra 800 +1 | Pentax 645nII | no auto focus ya'll
Take family photos - but actually do it well. Again, this guide is not specifically for film photographers; though film photographers will benefit from watching Jon in action at sessions using film #manualfocus. This info is all you need to show up to a family session and rock it’s face off and not take forever doing it. You'll learn exactly what you need to do and gain the confidence to do it.
So there you have it -- all the film photography tools that have immensely helped us! Like all good learners, if you have questions, drop them below so other's can benefit from the answers! If I don't know something, I'll do my best to find it and answer you on here.
P.S. I’d be shouting these praises forever for free (and I have) but Jonathan has arranged for me to get a few bucks each time you sign-up for one of these workshops.